
Age Factor: As the age of woman advance the chance of getting pregnant gradually reduce. By age 36 a normal woman’s chances of conceiving per month is decreased by half. The downward slope continues until by age 45 the average natural fertility rate per month is approximately 1%.
There are several reasons why life births become difficult as the woman cross the age of forty.

Natural Fertilization: After the intercourse sperm are deposited into the upper part of vagina. They travel through the cervix to the uterus and then to fallopian tube where they meet the egg.
As soon as the sperm meet the egg, it penetrates the outer membrane to enter the egg. After the entry of one sperm, other sperm can’t enter the egg, thus completing the fertilization process. The fertilized egg, also called embryo, gradually develops in the fallopian tube for the first 3 days. Then it travels to the uterus and implants on to the surface of endometrium.

Development of the fertilized egg: The fertilized egg the undergoes several division to form a structure called the zygote. It mores into the ulterms within a period of 5-7 days and is then termed as embryo. In the uterus, the embryo implants or attaches itself and becomes into the endometrium. After implantation it several a harman called human chorionic gonedo trophin (HCG) which helps maintain the pregnancy. This is the harmone analyzed in the blood / urine to detect or confirm the pregnancy.

Implantation: The fertilized egg, how knows as a embargo, develops in the fallopian tube for the first three days, then travels down into the uterus. By the fifth day, it will become a blast cyst, a hollow ball of cells surrounding a cyst like cavity. The blast cyst them breaks face from its shell, or hatches, and it is ready to adhere to the surface of the endometrial. It begins to secrete human chorine goradotrophin (HCG) a hormone that tells the coups lustrum to continue progesterone production. A home pregnancy test will detect HCG when checked after a missed period.
After ovulation egg can be fertilized upto 12 hours where as the sperm can remain viable for 48-72 hours. The best chance of conception occurs when intercourse is done one to two days before ovulation.

Time of ovulation: In a cycle of 28 days the woman ovulates on the 14th day. But if the cycle is of 32 days, the ovulation will occur on 18th day. Thus the post ovulatory period is fixed to about 14 days. If a woman is having regular periods, time of the ovulation can be assessed very correctly and thus timing of the intercourse can be planned. What we suggest is to have more regular intercourse around the time of ovulation.